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나눔터 최근글


목장나눔터 최근글

삶공부 간증
2019.09.14 12:26

(확신의 삶) 강건, 확신의 삶 간증입니다

조회 수 86 추천 수 0 댓글 2

안녕하세요 저의 이름은 강건이고 아주 사랑스러운 베트남 목장의 목원입니다. 지난주에 확신의 삶 공부를 마쳤고 공부를 통해서 배운 경험들과 교훈들을 간증하겠습니다.

확신의 삶공부를 하게된 이유는 크리스쳔으로서 삶의 이유를 찾고 싶었습니다. 왜냐하면 처음으로 가장 오랫동안 제 자신의 미래에 대해 고민중이었기 때문입니다.

처음엔 성현목자님에게 7주라고 들어서 금방 쉽게 끝날줄 알고 했는데 날짜가 정해지고나서 들으니 영어는 12주 코스라고 하더라구요. 그 얘기를 듣고 두배나 길어져서 꺼려졌었지만 끝난 지금 돌아보니 12주를 알차게 썼고 7주였다면 아쉬웠을것 같습니다.

공부를 하며 제 자신이 갖고 있던 생각과 가치관을 돌아보게 되었고 저의 목자님도  더욱 이해하게 되었습니다.

제 본성을 배우게 되고 주님과 함께 하던 시간중 헷갈리던것도 마주하게 되었습니다. 이를 통해 일을 시작하며 제 삶을 더욱 가치있게 사용할 용기를 얻었습니다. 삶공부 중간 정도때 제가 관심있던 일을 시작하게 되었습니다. 그러나 인턴이던 그때엔 아주많은 시간들을 일했고 삶의 대부분이 일이 였습니다. 첫 달에는 제가 원하지도 않았지만 하루에 10시간씩 일을 했습니다. 그때 처음으로 삶공부 시작한것에 대해 후회를 했습니다. 일하기 전에는 몇시간씩 목자님과 공부를 했지만 인턴때엔 한시간도 못했습니다. 그만두고 싶은 마음이 생겼지만 그동안 목자님께서 도와주신것이 있었기에 나 혼자만의 삶공부가 아니라는 생각이 들었습니다.

이 공부전에는 목자님에 대해 많이 몰랐고 서로 많이 알게 되었는데, 이런 얘기하는 시간은 앞으로 주님과 동행하는 제 삶에 꼭 필요하다고 생각합니다.

제가 만약에 새로운 삶공부를 바로 시작했었더라면 제 삶에 대해 아직도 많이 혼란스러웠을 것 같습니다. 확신의 삶공부를 끝냈기때문에 앞으로 할 공부들에서 무엇을 기대해야할지도 알게되었습니다.

마지막으로 이 공부는 각자의 삶과 가야할 길에 대한 기초를 알고 싶으신 분들에게 아주 좋은 출발점이 될것같습니다. 왜냐하면 공부가 끝난 지금도 제가 배운 것들을 다시 되새기고 있으니까요.


My name is Richard from the very lovable group of Vietnam mokjang, I have recently finished my Life of conviction bible study and is willing to testify of all the experiences and lessons I have learnt through this study. The reason I have decided to start on the bible study is because I wanted to find a purpose in my life along with christ since my life has been making me concerned about my own future for the longest time, the first I got told about how long the Bible study is Kevin told me that it will be 7 weeks, and had a feeling like it would be a quick and breezy study however when we got a date confirmed he was quick to inform me that it was going to be 12 weeks for the english one. I at first was kinda annoyed he fact that it was going to be almost twice longer than the korean one but now after the study is over I feel like we have used all the 12 weeks productively and really, I had to say, 7 weeks wouldn’t be enough. 

During this process I was able to understand about a lot of myself thoughts and along with that to understand my shepherd too. I was able to learn about my own nature through this and what has been getting me confused with my journey. It was during this I started to get the courage to start working and make better use of my life. It was during mid way through my bible study I was able to find a job which has my interest along with it. However, for I was an intern at this time I had the busiest timetable and schedule was mostly filled with just work, during the first month i have worked 10 hours per day without my own consent. It was during then I started to have second thoughts about the bible study. When Kevin and I did bible study before I started working it would go for hours but during my internship it was by minutes. This started to concern me since I started losing my will to continue on with my bible study however due to myself realising Kevin as been doing this for me for the first half of the bible study I started to understand this is not my own bible study but also Kevin’s. We were able to learn a lot about each other and the upcoming we had, this kind of talk is something I needed for my journey since I really didn’t know Kevin until this study. 

If I went straight into new life bible study I am pretty sure i would be still confused about my own independence and the journey I am in. But because I have finished this course I really can be sure I know what to expect from the other bible studies. 

In conclusion, for those who would like to know the basics of how our own journey and path would be I reckon this would be a great start. Cause even if the bible study has ended I know i will come back to what I have studied to remind myself of the achievement which was this bible study.

  • 양영희 2019.09.14 23:09
    사랑하는 우리 아들 넘 자링스러워.
    일하느라 힘들텐데 신앙생활도 열심히 해서
    하나님께서도 얼마나 이뻐하실까?!!!
    영혼구원에 열정을 .... 홧팅
  • 황교희 2019.09.19 09:05
    수정할 게 없네욧~ 잘 했어요